The MobilSiegel is awarded annually by Freiburger Verkehrs AG on behalf of the city of Freiburg and in cooperation with the districts of Emmendingen and Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald. The award recognizes companies that stand out through exemplary measures to promote sustainable mobility, such as supporting the use of bicycles, public transport and carpooling for commuting to and from work. Recertification is possible after three years.
The Franz Morat Group was first certified with the MobilSiegel in 2021, when the initiative was launched. The possibility of recertification after three years was used in a continuous process to further expand sustainable company mobility.
For example, employees are constantly provided with information about the options for using public transport to travel to and from work. In 2024, employees took part in the city cycling campaign “Stadtradeln” for the first time and e-mobility is becoming an increasingly important part of the Franz Morat Group’s vehicle fleet.
This year, a total of 38 companies and administrations from Freiburg and the districts of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald and Emmendingen were honored at the award ceremony on 10.10.2024. This year, recertification was possible for the first time, and 16 other companies were awarded alongside the Franz Morat Group. In addition, 21 companies were awarded initial certification on this evening.
“We are proud to have maintained our certification from 2021 with 4 out of a maximum of 5 green leaves and continue to work every day to make our contribution to the environment by promoting sustainable mobility,” says Stefan Federer, Head of Marketing at the Franz Morat Group.
Quellenangabe / Source: ©Stadt Freiburg/VAG/Patrick Seeger | Franz Morat Group